Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Potty Training, Part 2

So I'm talking about potty training... of course poop will be involved.

JJ has a hard time going number 2. He has since about 11 months. Because of this, he's had a prune filled life... from juice, puree, to prune mixed with other fruit. Then there was benefiber and miralax. All not so fun. And because of some painful experiences from 15 months on, he started holding it in. I didn't realize he was doing that until I read Toddler 411! It made me so sad, especially when friends would kind of joke about it because he would run off and hide. I know it wasn't malicious, but it still hurt me. Like other parents, when my kids are in pain, I am too. But anyways. The whole point of all this is that finally... Finally!!! He went #2 on the potty without my husband and I having to chase him down, pretty much wrestle him, and get him to sit on the potty! Normally when we force him to sit, he'll cry, complain and get really angry. But last night, he finally realized it wasn't so bad! He let his dad help and he went! I feel like I'm about tear up just thinking about it. 

Potty training is not my favorite milestone. I very much hated the whole process, but to watch my son change and mature (is that the right word?) really makes it all worth it. On Facebook, I have friends who hate statuses by parents who give play by plays on their kids... on different milestones they have reached or icky things... like pooping. I get it... and I'm usually one of those parents.... But to know what we've been through for almost two years... I really want to scream it from the rooftops and tell everyone that will listen... JJ is now pooping on the potty!!!!! I love, love, love that kid!

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